Hot take: The argument of “Christians can’t support LGBTQ because it is a sin in the bible” is stupid. It also says in the bible that anyone who works on a Sunday should be killed, but I don’t see Christians getting the knives out when they go into a corner shop on Sunday.

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Hot take, most good Christians don’t “Get the knives out on LGBTQ people” As a Christians, we don’t do that. I know that some do though, which is sad. So I’m just speaking on behalf of a big chunk of Christians to say we don’t hate LGBTQ people. This doesn’t mean we fully support them, but we don’t despise them. (Also technically the Bible doesn’t say you can’t work on Sunday specifically, It says you should have 1 day off. Meaning don’t work 7 days a week)

(No hate or anything, just sticking up for a large part of the Christian Community)

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