Went to buy a class ring today and the guy there told me no 😔


wait what why lmao D:

It’s kinda complicated (so sorry for the long reply) but I’m going through college at a different pace and it kinda throws some stuff off. In the spring there’s a ring dance where everyone who gets a class ring gets together, and it takes place the year before they graduate. I’m graduating in December, but that still makes me class of 2023, and they were doing 2024 sales. The other day was the last day to also get tickets for this years dance, so I went in person to try to do that. When I got through the line, the guy told me I couldn’t go to the dance since mine was last year (my first year), unless I went with someone in the class of 2024. I tried to say I was planning on going with someone outside the school (I date someone who lives back home) and he also said no to that. So basically he was just telling me to come back at another time.

ohhhh thats so sad, hope you’re able to get a ring eventually D:

It kinda makes it easier cause now there’s no reason not to just do it online

oh nice, buying online supremacy

also sorry for being inacitive ish I’ve been settling in and starting classes and also I’m a senior now which is terrifying

i both loved and hated senior year, hope you enjoy it! dont forget to go to senior sunrise and sunset and homecoming and/or prom in a friendgroup if you can :D

Ah this is my last year of college (hopefully). Unfortunately they didn’t do prom when I was in high school cause of covid, but I was able to get together with a group of friends in a backyard which was cool. I do agree that senior year was very much a love hate thing lol

ohhhh yoooo congrats!! unfortunate about prom fr, but im glad you were able to do it w friends :D