something I've found is that I actually dislike mediocre or mid albums more than bad albums.

the thing is with a bad album is you can still have strong opinions on why it's bad - you can mock it like nostalgia critics the wall (which is a horrid album by the way) or critique it on why it's bad.

with a mid album there is barely anything to say other than it's mid, bland, boring, mediocre and basically every other synonym for “mid”. a bad album still makes you feel something, whether hatred, disgust, laughter, etc. but a mid album just makes me feel bored or want to do something else.

what I'm getting at is that I feel a mid album is far more of an insult than a bad one since at least a bad album tried, a mid album did the bare minimum.


thats real asf, at least an awful album like nostalgia critics the wall get a laugh out of me bc of how awful it is, truly unremarkable albums make me feel nothing but hate

true honestly. nostalgia critics the wall still haunts me to this day with his truly ignorant and painfully bad it was lol

Donda is a mid album

meanwhile Donda 2 is a bad album

I think we can count Donda 2 in the same camp as yandhi