even if you might not see it personally, the world is a crazy place, it’s filled with… whatever the hell we’ve done and a whole lot more, you can live your life in any way you want and that’s probably why there’s so much stuff happening, because most people just does their own thing. go do something, or don’t, just try and enjoy it, because that all we have.

like, cars? these massive complex hunks of metal that just go zoom and are everywhere because of us?? or electricity, something that only normally exists in rare anomalies such as lightning is now also everywhere and fully utilised entirely because of us?! we weren’t evolved to live like this but we’re sure as hell not going back now, if anything we’ll just make ourselves evolve. I feel so lucky to live in such an insane and unnatural time, even if it does really suck sometimes, there’s just so much that’s possible.


It’s actually crazy to me that gas cars were made before electrics. Because they’re so much more complex (and arguably a lot worse, even disregarding climate change)

probably the reason why gas cars came before even though they’re much more complex, is that the materials to make the components was mostly steel and other simpler materials, an electric car is simple in design, but the components such as high power motors and large, easily rechargeable batteries were probably much much harder to manufacture back then, especially back when cars were first made, most means of generating and storing energy would be too large or unreasonable when compared to complex combustion based mechanisms. this might also be why we got electric trains well before electric cars.

don’t quote me on this though, I’m definitely not an expert, I’m just using the knowledge that I do know.