to completely avoid the topic at hand here, i’d like the propose the idea of never deleting your posts

do not be ashamed of your past, grow and be proud of that.

Alright before a flame war starts, I don’t think you understand what you are talking about as a whole since this looks really bad / how to make a statement since this is extremely insensitive, and i would recommend either deleting this or rewording this if you want to understand what you just said better.

Edit: Now I get the idea why. Can we stop the discourse now?

I kinda don’t get why trans people exists. What’s so enticing about being able to change genders while they’re not really getting the potential benefits of actually changing them?

And while we’re at it, why are most of the trans memes I’ve been getting recently girly?

Mar 24, 2023, 8:12 AM
2 11 13

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Why do i agree with you so much

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