*smokes freedom* hell yeah lets get em’ boys!

Listen up, patriots! I've got some breaking news for you. The deep state and their globalist allies are trying to censor Windows 8 to control your every move!

They want to force you to use their new technology so they can hide their secrets. They want to take away your freedom to use the operating system of your choice and keep tabs on everything you do!

But we won't let this shadowy cabal win, folks! We know the truth, and we won't be silenced. We'll stand up for our rights and fight back against the deep state and their attempts to control us!

We need to unite and expose their nefarious plans. We need to demand our right to use Windows 8 and keep our freedom to choose what technology we use!

So join me, fellow patriots! Let's spread the word and show the deep state that we won't be silenced. We'll defend our rights to use Windows 8 and keep our freedom from their control! Together, we can make a difference and take down the deep state's attempts to censor us!

Where we go one, we go all!!! 🇺🇸

Mar 25, 2023, 4:08 PM
5 2 0


(this is entirely ironic and so is the origin post)