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what the fuck are you on about /genq

What is Pizza Tower?

Pizza Tower is a fast paced 2D platformer inspired by the Wario Land series, with an emphasis on movement, exploration and score attack. Featuring highly stylized pixel art inspired by the cartoons from the '90s, and a highly energetic soundtrack.

Peppino Spaghetti, a surprisingly agile and powerful fat balding italian, is on a mission to destroy the titular Pizza Tower in order to save his restaurant from annihilation. Follow him through his rampage across the many wacky floors of the tower, collecting toppings and beating up monsters!

Where can I get Pizza Tower?

Pizza Tower is available on Steam.

celeste for transmascs

or Italians

that you unnecessarily bring oren into comments despite him doing nothing wrong recently since you want to starts things up. Same with other controversies like the Chick Fil A drama that you posted about again for no reason.


"Okay you look-a right here! I baked that into a pizza ONCE and nobody can ever know. Not even the health inspector. Capeesh?" — Peppino (via Toppinbot)

Peppino Spaghetti (simply referred to as Peppino) is the main protagonist of .



Peppino is a portly Italian chef wearing a black T-shirt, black pants, a white tank top, and a chef's hat. He also has black hair and a small mustache under his long nose. He shows signs of both anger and anxiety, frequently shifting between the two. He is only shown to be happy when he accomplishes something, for example, when Peppino collects a key or treasure, getting an A-Rank or higher, and during the True Ending. Despite his rough emotional state and portly figure, he is shown to be rather strong, as he can pick up and throw large objects with ease, run extremely quickly, bash enemies with a shoulder dash, among many other powerful attacks.

He is the owner of Peppino's Pizza, named after himself. The restaurant is implied to be in rough shape, with buckets of water spilled on the floor (with a stray bucket), and pizza sliding off the counter. As shown in the game's intro, running the restaurant seems to be putting Peppino in a bit of debt, with little to no money shown in the shop. Additionally, in the game's ending, Mr. Stick can be seen running off with a bag of money, behind what is assumed to be Peppino's Pizza. This could be the reason behind Peppino's large amounts of debt. Despite their rivalry, Mr. Stick is still considered to be one of Peppino's friends.

Main Abilities

Peppino is the most balanced character included in the game due to the great quantity of abilities at his disposal.


Jumping on top of enemies will stun them. making them vulnerable to attacks. Peppino can bounce higher off of an enemy by holding the jump button when landing on top of the enemy.

Body Slam

Pressing down while in the air makes Peppino perform ground pound, damaging enemies from above. The fall can slightly be adjusted by pressing left and right. With enough height, this can be used to break metal boxes, indicated by the meteor-like effect.

Landing also stuns surrounding enemies for a brief period of time.


Dashing is one of Peppino's most important abilities for blasting his way through the tower. He builds up speed for as long as the dash button is held, allowing him to transition to several successive stages of dashing. Jumping during the dash keeps his momentum at whatever stage he is currently at.

If Peppino runs up or down a slope, his speed gain can change accordingly, increasing when running down slopes and decreasing when going up. Some status effects and moves can also cause the player to be able to enter a Dash, such as the appropriately named Dash Panel.

Dash Stages:

Mach 2:

  • Peppino starts to run at a moderate pace.

  • Peppino can stun enemies by bumping into them.

  • Peppino can run up vertical walls by jumping at them while dashing, or by running up a staircase connected to a wall.

  • Upon impact with a wall, he temporarily stops.

Mach 3:

  • Peppino starts dashing at an insane rate, accompanied with an equally insane expression.

  • At this point, Peppino's velocity is high enough that he is competing with air friction, causing the air to emit sound and a shock layer to form in front of him.

  • This speed has the same qualities as Mach 2, as well as the following:

    • Enemies scream in shock and fear when Peppino approaches them, letting him bust through defenses like Forknight's fork.

    • Peppino can break metal boxes.

    • Peppino can initiate a super jump by pressing up while dashing.

  • Attempting to turn around in this stage will result in Peppino "drifting", in which he takes slightly longer to change directions, but preserves his dash momentum.

  • Jumping off a wall results in Peppino moving back to Mach 2.

  • Upon impact with a wall, he is knocked back.

Mach 4:

  • Activated when the player is at Mach 3 and holds the directional pad/joystick in the direction Peppino is running for several seconds.

  • Mechanics remain the same, with the only differences being a different animation and significantly increased velocity.

  • Drifting at Mach 4 will bring him back to Mach 3.


Pressing down while dashing on the ground at Mach 2 or higher makes Peppino roll in a bowling ball fashion for a split second before he uncurls and slides on the ground.

When performed, Peppino retains his Mach level, even Mach 4, after he stops rolling.

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derter please grow and change as a person

why do I need to? It’s you who needs to change.

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