We have no direct purpose or meaning, but all humans capable should make it their primary goal to create joy, whether in themselves or others, with the lowest possible amount of negative impact. We are all existentially equal, cast into this universe simply by chance, we should try to make our existence as enjoyable as possible, as although our universe is materially meaningless, our perception and consciousness give it meaning.

TLDR: be a good person, strive for happiness in everyone, don’t be a piece of shit, we’re all ultimately equal.

Apr 20, 2023, 3:23 AM
14 0 6


bUt WhAt AbOuT tHoSe GaYs, ThEm LiViNg ThEiR lIvEs PeAcEfUlLy GoEs AgAiNsT mY rElIgIoN

This is so nicely put together


arizona changed you

Nah, this has always been my thought process for the past few months