Idk if I’m quite an extrovert, but a lot of the anxieties I gained for no reason in high school have started to fade and I feel so much more competent and adaptable as a person

If college has been good for anything, I’m (slowly) starting to feel like an adult and I’ve been exposed to so much more than I ever would have been if I’d stayed home

I relate to this heavily - I became so much more extroverted when I went to college.

i made 4 new friends in the past 2 days :D extrovert me is thriving


i became extroverted right before the pandemic, so like a year before college-

you could say the timing was a little bad considering the result of the pandemic was not being able to talk to anyone in person </3

The initial parts of the pandemic were great for me cause my mental state was lower and I recently had a relationship end. Those first few months were an escape and it was really great. Then by June I got a job and I was occasionally seeing friends, so I was able to get into socializing again