My class had an argument about Andrew Tate today

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The victims in this situation are accusing him of something that aligns with his actions/words in the past and there is no reason to assume the allegations are false, so this investigation seems 100% justified, especially considering that there is already a lot of evidence against him. (ofc he shouldn’t be unfairly treated under the law, and there is no evidence that he is)

I haven't looked into the investigation, so I don't know if there is evidence or not. Therefore, I don't have an opinion on it

There is evidence (including voice recordings and text messages) and it’s definitely not a situation where you would remotely want to be seen defending him. Instead of denying allegations or addressing accusations/issues, he just claims the “matrix” is coming for him and manipulates his vulnerable young audience into not trusting the world and society.

Thanks for actually providing evidence and reasoning. Not many people are willing to do that instead of just attacking the person they're arguing with. I genuinely appreciate it

It’s very unproductive to waste time attacking someone, engaging in an actual conversation is much more effective.

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