Being too hungry is better than being too full, because when you're hungry you can easily do something about it (by eating). If you're too full, you just have to wait it out.

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what if you don’t have a pool and you’re sweating in 112 degree Fahrenheit weather?

At least even when it's 0 degrees outside, you can bundle up inside

you still have to thaw out if you’re cold

Don’t you have to cool down when you’re hot? According to Physics StackExchange:

Cold things will warm faster than hot things cool.

🤷‍♂️ I mean if you’re using the pool example as how you can cool down faster, then couldn’t you stand in front of a vent blasting hot air, or stand next to a campfire to warm up faster in the winter?

Yeah, but you get numb and have to thaw. In my experience, it's faster to cool down than to warm up

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