xbox360 ass social media. we met. But if you arrive, you all right now, pretty often, and scratches are canonicaly he/they/it/bot)


Four pronouns, how are you supposed to utilize those


god how to these planets Neptune and out how do you as her new tab navigation bar and looking at visible on by trading network errors! Right now my brain is the same)mainly because i’m trying to calculate the center at the anxieties I did.but i see Netflix originals remember

(real answer: you kinda just pick one and use it i think. jokey answer:)

idk man ask old me because i bet you that that bit was sourced from one of my old posts

usually when multiple pronouns from different pronoun sets are listed, ðose pronoun sets are all acceptable/to be used interchangeably (e.g. he/they = he or they in ðe nominative, him/them in the oblique, his/their as a possessive adjective, his/theirs in the genitive, and himself/theirself in the reflexive)

oh no it’s one of my old bad posts