What is so unique about Elon that it causes this?

I've found that talking about Elon musk leads to some of the most destructive arguments I've ever seen online. Very few things lead to a more angry, nasty debate. Reason and logic just goes out the window on both sides. Even on wasteof, some of the best of the Internet, it's pretty bad (although it's nothing compared to what I've seen on other sites). Even if everyone agrees, it usually gets awful! Why is this?


because he’s a billionaire who does stupid crap like saying cisgender is a slur, is an nft endorser, claims that his starting wealth didn’t come from an emerald mine even though its been thoroughly proven that it did, and a bunch of other stuff. Yeah sure, maybe he does own tesla and spacex, but he bought both of those (and sure, maybe his fame and wealth might support them somewhat), he isn’t the one actually making/designing those things (except maybe the cybertruck).

just look at wynd’s post to see how stupid this man is being https://wasteof.money/posts/6493967839982005336a8c5a

all very true but as much as i don’t like the guy he DID create spacex, just important to have all facts straight

I mean, most of that is fair but he actually does a lot of engineering. You can tell he has a deep understanding of the systems they develop from his interviews and such. Where he falls off is PR, as he's sure to just say whatever he wants. I'm kinda the same way, as you've seen from following this account.