Ignorance is bliss. Some days, I would like to go back in time and never have any of the controversy every happen.

And yet, it made me better as a person. I now innately understand why and how the internet sucks, and I can try to actively fight against it.

I understand why some people don’t like me for trying to go against the grain, but it’s obviously much better on many levels to do it this way.

I want to make a YouTube video explaining the reasons why the internet sucks, and how I would go about fixing it.

I love how people don’t like anything even remotely logical online. It’s like the internet is tuned against trying to understand all sides of an issue.

It leans very, very heavily towards tribalism. I’ve seen it a lot. It’s because you have a lot of choice about who you associate with, so you usually choose someone who agrees with you.

This tribalism leads to you always thinking that you’re right (because you’re only listening to people who agree with you constantly).

That’s one of the big reasons why i personally try to follow and interact with everyone. I don’t want to be surrounded by yes-men all the time. I need people to disagree with me.

This lack of negative feedback is one of the biggest problems with the internet. And like I said, it comes from the choice you have about who you listen to.

So really, the huge connected network of the internet (which connects billions of people) really leads to less communication between groups, less sharing and debating, and more tribalism.

Instead of hearing from everyone on earth, you only hear from the people you agree with. You just hear from more of them, not less.

Basically, one of the big reasons the internet sucks is because most people choose to only hear from people they agree with.


Still will support you Oren keep going champ 💪 just thought this was funny to post