I just beat rainworld! It was really fun and I strongly recommend it.

Unfortunately, I‘ve only beaten night one of fnaf 1 so far in help wanted.

Yesterday was my birthday. I got FNAF help wanted, TOTK, and rainworld as presents.

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ngl I bought it after beating survivor, I haven’t beaten hunter yet even though I’ve beaten saint at this point, also I think that monk’s campaign is just survivor’s but easier (less food required and less aggressive creatures)

also getting all of the arena content would be quite a grind, plus downpour adds more that you’d have to find anyways.

Although if you do want to stick to just vanilla I’m pretty sure the discord server has a bunch of difficult challenges you can try.

I mean the main reason is because it feels wrong to pay 20$ for a game and then pay 20$ for a dlc 2 months after.

Also, for the arena thing, I’m kinda cheating by looking at which things each region has on the wiki and going region by region. That way there’s some exploration while also helping me not lose my mind searching every region for 1 thing.

The DLC is worth (imo) >$30 because it basically quadruples the content, not only do you get 5 new campaigns but you also get Co-op and expedition mode and challenges and safari mode, it’s one of the rare cases where I’d argue that the dlc is really worth it, but I also did kinda get obsessed with the game from the moment I started playing it.

That’s fair, I think that I still want to at least get the vanilla arena stuff first.

Ok, I get that, I don’t even have all the arena stuff yet lol

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