

Aug 25, 2023, 11:39 AM
12 1 17


Hehe probounbook


did you mean to put this as a reply to my comment specifically?

not really, but your comment made me think of other names for the liberal facebook fakenews media /s

Ah ok that makes sense, I kinda had a momentary panic of like “uh oh did I accidentally say smthn racist” glad I didn’t tho lol

we need to ban TikTok because it’s Chinese!!! It connects to your internet connection and it accesses your camera!! (why would it ever need to do that except for to spy on you?!)

smh. where are the good-old-fashioned conservative, right-wing social medias from the good old days?

X is the only true, patriotic, American-as-it-gets conservative social network left, it’s the last stand. Elon is defending our freedom from the woke mind virus. On some social medias, you're not allowed to say slurs now because they're "hateful". Can you believe it? What has happened to our country??

now you're saying slurs against me! I can't believe it!!What happened to reasonable civil discourse? On X, at least you'd be banned.

You hurt my feelings so bad wah wah wah.

i’m not cis i’m normal 😡😡