Food hot take #13: Sunflower spread is better than butter on bread products. It’s less sickly and has such a smooth texture. Butter is overrated on bread.

Aug 31, 2023, 8:19 PM
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I see. our family gets anchor but i wish we had sunflower spread, which is what my nan gets.

oh, i’ve had anchor (the spreadable one). i just never realised it was butter because i have clover usually and never thought to check + it’s incredibly soft

the fact still stands that i don’t usually have salted and am apparently missing out

I see. If you like smooth and soft than you may prefer sunflower spread like me

as i said, i have clover at home

and to be honest i personally dont care about the differences

i’m confused. isn’t clover a butter brand though, not a sunflower spread brand?

sorry, i was being a dumbass. I see what you now mean. I meant you may prefer sunflower spread overall to butter due to the reasons above but you probably don’t need to since clover is already smooth, like you said

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