i’m school i had to do CROSS COUNTRY (keep in mind i and not built for any kind of exercise and my body will self destruct if i have to do it) and i had to do FOUR LAPS and the people the teachers considered girls only had to do THREE AND IM FUCKING PISSED OFF

i have three afab friends none of which identify as girls and they only did three and i’m pissed (i don’t blame them to be honest)

especially since it was like 24°c (75.2°F, yes that’s hot) then, but at least i felt like i endured slightly better than last year

i still came joint last :P

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that [making the ‘girls’ do less] is silly

I feel the pain of school cross countries. The feeling I got when I stopped having to do PE was incredible.

Also was a very hot day today, I canpt believe they made you do that

that always make us do cross country on the first PE lesson of the (academic) year (technically the second, since the first is introductions and stuff) which always lands on what feels like the hottest day of the year

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