satanism. Pride, egoism, body modifications, hatred. Christianity. Selflessness, joy, humility, appreciating nature as is.

which one is better?

Sep 9, 2023, 8:22 PM
8 3 28

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I would disagree with your premise. “Doing it traditionally” isn’t always good, especially not when it doesn’t line up with Scripture. Tradition is not as important as truth. Nowhere in the Bible does it say to have a bishop, priests, and especially not saints.

You guys do have some good practices though, like monasticism. My church focuses on that a lot, like we have a youth retreat I’m going to this month in which you spend multiple hours alone reading the Word.

All in all you still believe Jesus died for our sins and believing in Him is the only way to be saved, which is the main point. Everything else is not very important compared to that.

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