satanism. Pride, egoism, body modifications, hatred. Christianity. Selflessness, joy, humility, appreciating nature as is.

which one is better?

Sep 9, 2023, 8:22 PM
8 3 28


must this be binary?

exactly. how are body modifications in the same bucket as Satanism.

Yeah, this whole post is kinda stupid tbh.

Surgery is evil now 😔

so are tatoos :(

Tatoos are, surgery no, obviously surgery is usually necessary for your health.

if god made us perfect surgery wouldn’t be required (just saying the amount of exceptions and loopholes in this is astounding)

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By modifying your body you are ruining yourself, how God made you.

how are you ruining yourself by accessorizing, the same way that a hairstyle makes you unique and allows you to personalize your aesthetic/look, don’t things like piercings do the same? also, are temporary tattoos and facepaint okay?

same argument, God made you perfect as is, in His image. Plus, tattoos generally come from pagan practices.

I wouldn’t call it “satanism,” but certain specific modifications are definitely not being content with how God made you.

You have to think about your reasons for doing it. If you’re doing it because you don’t like the way you are, I think even you would agree that that’s not great (body positivity). I think it’s ok to get tattoos and stuff, as long as you’re honoring him with them. God cares more about your attitude towards him than your actions. And there’s no prohibition of it in the New Testament.

Also, Syl and I are pretty much on the opposite ends of the spectrum for Christians (Eastern Orthodox for them vs Southern Baptist for me), so we have quite different views on certain things. The major difference is they’re much closer to Catholicism (with saints and sacraments and all that), while we are Protestant and post-Reformation.

I guess I worded it wrong, getting body modifications doesnt mean you are satanist, but it definitely isnt Christian like ALTHOUGH some denomination of Christians do get a small tattoo on their hand when they become clergy(i think) as it has some symbolism. Though, generally speaking, you will almost always see satanists with some sort of body modification.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”

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shouldn't your actions towards others and your kindness, empathy, etc. be more important than your actual beliefs/feelings toward God? If someone is a Hindu who is the kindest person in the world, is generous, etc., don't you think they have more right to be in Heaven (or whatever you believe) than a supposedly "Christian" person who did evil during their life. I would think that, in reality, they are worshipping the same positive values, qualities, characteristics, and goals, and thus, the same God in reality. What you call your god shouldn't matter as much (because languages and cultures are different) as just being a good person.

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former is better