Gen A scares me, they make memes that not even Gen Z understands…

we shall see

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that just comes off as anti-blackness

you know that all of that “shitty street talk” is just aave most of the time

yeah white people are misusing it and overusing it but that doesn’t mean no one should be allowed to say it

How? I never said they CAN’T use it, I’m just emphasizing how stupid it is. This is my opinion and it won’t change, I think I prefer real English rather than a bunch of stupidity that literally nobody understands.

that still kinda sounds like anti blackness to me

That still kinda sounds like you’re morphing my words to make me sound racist. I don’t fucking care who says it, I just personally hate it. And you thinking that it’s “anti-blackness” is honestly disgusting, and to use a term like that is disgusting in the first place.

You can’t change my opinion, so respectfully fuck off.

what the fuck

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