I know the official nominees haven’t been announced yet but I hope some day there will be a presidential election I look forward to voting in

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real though. u.s. needs better electoral system

What if I ran for president, would you vote for me (like actually) @wahsp

no (no offence)

I mean, that’s understandable

depends on who you’re up against and what either of you think about stuff / what kind of character you have

also, would MrBeast be a good candidate?

He would be better than both Trump and Biden

i don’t know any of his positions so i wouldn’t trust him (the enemy you know is better than the enemy you don't know)

Mrbeast has expressed interest in running for president, but mostly just for the vague reason of “helping people”. But he’ll probably figure it out by the time he’s old enough. He has 10 more years until he’s 35.

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in this system he would be a great candidate because money so yes

(cause like trump won without political experience by being a personality and having money so with the same logic why not mr beast?)

I have no idea what he’s like politically though so I couldn’t endorse him one way or another

there are certainly some things that could be improved yes

so far voting in state elections has been pretty cool, but for the presidential (and potentially even congressional) elections I feel like we’re trapped in a situation most people don’t want and it just looks like it’ll be increasingly perpetuated by the people already in power

just sucks to think about as I participate more in elections, although I haven’t lost hope that things might eventually reach a tipping point where we move back towards normalcy for a bit

yeah… but ranked choice voting and other improvements could certainly make the electoral system fairer and more representative of Americans' views.

If ranked choice helped encourage more viable options then that would be super helpful

i think so as well

to clarify something here to anyone - the local elections are really fun cause I can go into it without knowing much about the candidates and do research. In a presidential election where the two candidates have already run and you constantly see them and you don’t really care for their politics but you have no say in them being there and have to chose regardless because people will back party lines, it’s just frustrating. At least if I don’t agree as much with the politics of a local candidate, I know he or she is at least from my area and will work for what I need here, or also that I can just pick the less radical one and know that their ideals will possibly be similar enough to what I want (or anyone in the area wants) in the end. I can’t have that same connection with 80 year old men that are being pushed into office by their party in a war against the other side, and aren’t really there to serve.

I get fooled by the false promises of someone from my state or county better I guess is what I’m trying to say lol

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