i can’t believe the amount of people in the wasteof.money discord server that believe local dependencies are a good idea

cargo’s approach is best imo since it has a central area where different versions of packages can be installed once and referenced by multiple projects

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i've always thought local dependencies are great - i see each project in their directories as individual things, none should ever affect eachother..

being able to include all the necessary code in version control is also great (in select cases), and sometimes you might need to apply a quick fix to a dependency for testing. what are the downsides apart from storage?

wait you don’t gitignore your node_modules???

also you actually can apply patches to dependencies, at least with rust

no, i do, but there are cases (eg. airgapped systems) were you do want to version control dependencies - local depdencies gives you that choice.

rust/cargo ecosystem is awesome though so not surprised

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