(mucho texto - historia de terror)

I technically already posted about it here in june but in honor of the halloween I will share my spooky story and actually write it out:

Back in june I was on a two week or so long backpacking trip walking across northwestern spain. I believe it was the ninth day and we were approaching the region of Galicia. On one of the previous days we were also told we were approaching ā€˜witch countryā€™ (which I couldnā€™t really tell you what that means other than there was a lot of witch stuff in shops and supposedly there are weird people that put out dolls and stuff). Anyway we set out from the village we were staying in and continued down the valley it was in. At some point we turned and started going up the mountain, and I only really mention this part cause it was in the same day and when we were going up this mountain it suddenly got super foggy (which thatā€™s what mountains do to be fair) and I felt super uneasy and uncomfortable. We passed through a couple small towns that were just quiet and dead. When I crossed the border into Galicia, the sun came out and I had a truly fantastic rest of the day. The creepy part to this comes at the very end of the day. I had spent the last bit of the day up on a hill above the town we were staying in with some of the people I was walking with, and we watched the sun set together. After the sun went down, I decided to head back down by myself thinking they were going to be right behind me. According to the last photo I took this day, this was around 10:15 at this point, but it was still slightly light out. The town we were in, O Cebreiro, is super small, but I managed to turn down the wrong street on my way back to the hostel. When I turned into this alley, I was met with a large, black dog. We stared at each other for a moment, before it turned and slowly walked over behind a truck that was parked to my right. I cautiously went forward around the truck just in case this dog was going to jump out at me (Iā€™m not afraid of dogs, but this was a huge unattended dog in a back alley that I couldnā€™t see), but when I got passed the corner of the back of the truck there was nothing there. I was confused, so I backed up and looked underneath the truck, but there was still nothing. This is only weird because the truck was right up against a wall, and there was no way for this dog to squeeze its way on the other side or underneath in such a short amount of time without me seeing it or hearing it on the cobblestone street. So now Iā€™m really unnerved, and I continue around the back of the buildings to get to the hostel to go in through the back door at this point. Eventually, even though Iā€™m back inside, I still feel off so I go to try to close the blinds on the back door (and maybe lock it) and when I do, thereā€™s another big dog siting there on the back patio watching me at the door. When it sees me at the door, it walks off, and then that was the end of everything strange that day (though my bed was right next to a window which wasnā€™t fun lol). Iā€™ve mostly written all of this off as me imagining stuff or being delusional cause what does a dog vanishing even mean, and while itā€™s fun to listen to ghost stories and be like ā€œwhat if that actually happenedā€, I donā€™t really put a lot of belief into them. But thinking back on it today I genuinely canā€™t come up with an explanation for what happened in that alley, so I really donā€™t know what to think. At the very least I now have a story for anyone who wants to listen :)

So anyways, hope everyone is having a great halloween, and I would love to hear if you or someone you know has ever seen anything weird as well

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skeptics be like: what if it was a flying car and you just forgot to look up šŸ¤”

oh em gee why didnt i think of that šŸ¤ÆšŸ˜µā€šŸ’«

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