Only now am I realizing how weird it is that we were taught names for different types of clouds in elementary school, did anyone else here get taught that? (This is a genuine question that I want you to answer if you’re reading this, did you get taught this?) Are there people that go “Wow, the clouds today are cirrus clouds,” casually in a conversation? “Ah, stratus clouds, it will rain soon.”

Anyway these cirrus clouds look cool

Nov 7, 2023, 8:43 AM
5 0 5


I said those exact words in a casual conversation a year ago

i was taught them but i took national 5 geography so that’s why

We were taught some of the German names and I have no idea what any of them mean

(what the clouds mean for the weather, not what the German names mean)

We weren’t even taught the right names, we were only taught cirrus, not cirrocumulus, I can at least see the scientific use for the more complex names but this is completely useless