I figured out how to access the database of every message I’ve ever sent or received, and wow, this is crazy

Cool stats in the comments:

Nov 21, 2023, 8:14 PM
6 1 12


On Macs, it stores all your iMessages in a chat.db file (which is an sqlite3 file) and it will sync your SMS messages to it as well

ooh I thought you meant wasteof database

365 messages start with “Yes” and variants, while 134 start with “No”

153 messages are the Thumbs up iMessage reaction (called the “Like” internally), 36 are the Ha ha reaction (“Laugh”), 17 are the question mark reaction, 81 are the thumbs down (dislike), and 14 are the exclamation mark (“Emphasize”). And 484 are just emoji (or non-text unicode characters). Also, 13495 entries are blank (out of about 29731).

125 messages start with “Lol”

45 messages begin with “Oren” (all sent by other people), 171 start with “Oh”, and 130 messages are the heart iMessage reaction

Also, this only goes back to early 2021, although I would guess the bulk of my messages are after than. And a large part of the database is blank. So this isn’t the full amount of messages I have.

A lot of older messages are blank for some reason. They must not be indexed.

665 messages start with “Hey”, “Hi”, or “Hello”

938 messages begin with “I”, “I’m”, “I’ll” or “Idc”. Kinda self centered ngl

155 messages begin with “you”, about 1/6 as many