I’ll just put my current plans for the project here

station trading UI
ship cargo
fuel usage
basic ship modules (cargo, jump drive)
NEXT MAJOR UPDATE [mining update]
advanced ship modules (mining modules, crafting modules, scanner)
buying new ships
selling nav data?
NEXT MAJOR UPDATE [horizons update] (name based off of elite: dangerous' dlc which adds interaction with planets)
scanning planets
planetary bases
planetary mining

don't count on this update coming out since the features are a tad bit ambitious
base/station creation
simple combat

only if I get really really dedicated to this:
make it multiplayer??????

I am still working on Star Map, progress on stations is going well, stations will now appear in the solar system screen and can now have a button for docking, although it currently just sends you to a mostly empty screen.

EDIT: Added generation for station commodities, this includes the commodity, the demand, the stock, and the price offset. Currently doesn’t do much though because I still need to implement the trading UI and ship cargo system.

these changes are currently only in the INDEV version

[INDEV https://editor.p5js.org/7vector/full/Jl86hf1u5] [main https://editor.p5js.org/7vector/full/_0G_VQxA8]

Nov 29, 2023, 2:10 PM
5 1 0
Nov 29, 2023, 2:57 PM
8 0 2

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Maybe, except I’ve never touched networking code, so that would be pushed to the back of priorities

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