I’ll just put my current plans for the project here

station trading UI
ship cargo
fuel usage
basic ship modules (cargo, jump drive)
NEXT MAJOR UPDATE [mining update]
advanced ship modules (mining modules, crafting modules, scanner)
buying new ships
selling nav data?
NEXT MAJOR UPDATE [horizons update] (name based off of elite: dangerous' dlc which adds interaction with planets)
scanning planets
planetary bases
planetary mining

don't count on this update coming out since the features are a tad bit ambitious
base/station creation
simple combat

only if I get really really dedicated to this:
make it multiplayer??????

I am still working on Star Map, progress on stations is going well, stations will now appear in the solar system screen and can now have a button for docking, although it currently just sends you to a mostly empty screen.

EDIT: Added generation for station commodities, this includes the commodity, the demand, the stock, and the price offset. Currently doesn’t do much though because I still need to implement the trading UI and ship cargo system.

these changes are currently only in the INDEV version

[INDEV https://editor.p5js.org/7vector/full/Jl86hf1u5] [main https://editor.p5js.org/7vector/full/_0G_VQxA8]

Nov 29, 2023, 2:10 PM
5 1 0
Nov 29, 2023, 2:57 PM
8 0 2

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Ok hear me out for multiplayer - less ambitious would just be multiplayer trading, so it would make an actual economy. Auction hall too

Maybe, except I’ve never touched networking code, so that would be pushed to the back of priorities

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