Here’s the current schedule for “Joshua Tree”

  • Through Tuesday, December 5th: Write all remaining bars.

  • December 6th & 7th: Go back to Joshua Tree to record the song and shoot music video bars coverage.

  • Friday, December 8th–Monday, December 11th: Begin outsourcing music post-production and wrap up external LA things.

  • December 12th–December 23rd: I’ll be in Mexico and need to edit the music video and supervise the song’s post work, as well as everything else needed for the release (e.g. promotional graphic design).

  • December 24th: Return to New England ready to release “Joshua Tree.”

I’ll post regular updates here to keep myself accountable.

Gonna drop “Joshua Tree” by Christmas

hold me to that

comments (single view)

my goodness, so much traveling :0 stay safe and have fun!

thank you! the traveling helps with creativity

oh i bet you’ll have tons to write then :D

loads for sure

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