You were rated 0/10.

Rizz N/A: You're a bear, you don't have game.

Clothes N/A: You are a cartoon bear, so you don't have any clothes.

Vibe 0/10: You look depressed, and it's understandable given your circumstances.

Background 1/10: It is a plain, boring background.

Style 1/10: You're a bear, so you don't have much of a sense of style.

Humor 1/10: I don't find bears to be very funny.

Bonus Points 0: You got no bonus points

Overall: You're a bear, so you're not very photogenic.

What you can do to improve: Try being less depressed, but I guess that's hard when you're a bear. Maybe try to find some bear friends to hang out with and have some fun.

for the past while i've been working on a website that uses the new Google Gemini Pro Vision model to roast/rate you. i think it's pretty cool, and my family does too. if you want to check it out (please do!) you can go to if you are worried about privacy, you can be assured we do not save images. if you are paranoid and still don't believe me, i open sourced the code on my GitHub - anyways, i would much appreciate if you looked at it, and if you want to share your rating, please feel free to repost or comment the link to yours below 👇. i would also be really happy if you shared it with your friends and family! thank you! :)


on one hand, i'm stunned it recognized them as a bear. on the other hand, i'm personally offended by these rude comments 😤

i love it