there have been star wars marathons going on tv lately and although I feel iffy on a lot of sequel stuff (mostly just on wasted potential) as I’m rewatching it I have to say I really like the last jedi


Personally it’s a 5/10 for me, it’s the most polarizing Star Wars film for good reason. The highs are incredible (Lightspeed ram and Scarif battle sequences are both gorgeous), most of the stuff with Luke and Rey and Kylo is really really strong from a writing standpoint (though a tad boring to watch through) but the writing is so stale and poorly fleshed out in the rest of the movie its insane. The sequel trilogy as a whole suffers from the exact opposite of the prequels: stellar cinematography, acting, and direction watered down by the most boring and lifeless writing imaginable, and The Last Jedi is the most notable example imo.

This is true, it’s definitely not perfect but the highs do get pretty high