Hey, I would greatly appreciate it if someone made a loading gif out of this icon:

it’s for the iOS app


what if yall did like a blinking cursor

I can’t see the image, can you upload it to imgbb?

oops disregard the other reply

Cool, I like how it matches the “codey” theme of wasteof4 and the site in general

I think this is the best suggestion so far so I won't even bother suggesting another one.

@oren You might want to add a circle loading spinner around this entire animation in the actual app to make it more clear to users that the app is loading something though.

just a (very rushed) concept but yk someone else could use it as inspiration or if you really wanted i could try to clean it up idk (i have never animated before lmao)

there’s one frame in this gif with a weird blob in it

yeah, as i said very very rough concept

imagine the ws like appeared gradually like

w and another w appears next to it

That’s a pretty good idea