I found their app icon (see the top left image) on 2 websites that are registered before theirs. One of the sites dates back to 2019 and has blog posts prior to the launch of the app too. Can’t confirm, but I suspect it’s either stolen from somewhere or it’s a template of some kind (which also sucks honestly, make your own logo y’know?).


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The two sites in question:

  1. https://www.xtkaichuang.com/ - Registered 2019-09-09 (has news posts dated all the way back to May 17, 2023)

  2. https://danslatetedunentrepreneur.com/ - Registered 2023-10-24

Blaze's website was registered 2023-12-27 and the app was released for Android on 16/07/2023

One last thing I'd like to say is please don't harass the account, I've been calling out logo theft and the use of generic templates for a while, especially on Scratch. I do so as I want to encourage people to make their own work because it is so much more fufilling and also just overall better.

It used to be blazeapp.wixsite.com/blaze (or blazeconnect.wixsite.com/blaze)

We registered on April 21, 2023 and we used the same logo that was AI generated.

We decided to change this logo this year because we wanted an original logo for ourselves to rebrand our image. Thank you for that concern though. We will be updating the image soon for our Android and iOS users within the next day or 2.

OK, if you don’t mind me asking, how did you make your current logo that you’re using? Like, software used or whatnot?

We used Canvas. Took a while to figure out which will be best for the design but it eventually turned out well, and simple!

Do you mean Canva? Is it like a template or something?

It’s a generic Canva template. The new logo is stolen from somewhere, as if you save the file it’s named “Screenshot at xxxxxxxx”

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