The amount of loves this weest receives will be the number of push-ups I'll do every day for the next month.

Updates will be posted in the comments.


day 30 (35 loves):

A set of 8, a set of 7, a set of 6, a set of 5, a set of 4, a set of 3, a set of 2.

I guess that’s it. I’ll try to make a final update post as soon as possible. Bye!

day 29 (34 loves):

Three sets of 10 and a set of 5.

One more day :)

*35 loves

day 28 (34 loves):

I started off today with a set of 12, which I then followed up with two sets of 11!

About a week ago, I mentioned my goal of wanting to finish a day with just 3 sets. Today I’ve been able to achieve that. It feels great, but I’m probably going to tone it down a bit tomorrow because I really don’t feel great right now. The last couple of days have been quite intensive.

day 27 (34 loves):

Set of 3, set of 14, set of 1, set of 5, set of 9 and a set of 2.

My arms really hurt… Happy pi day!

day 26 (34 loves):

I did a set of 12, a set of 11 and a set of 10. I then finished off with a set of 1!!!!

Kind of weird how easy it can be when you actually expect yourself to do well.

day 25 (a day off):

5 more days left in the challenge. I’m really going to try to push myself so it doesn’t end as a disappointment.

day 24 (34 loves):

One set of 8, two sets of 9 and one more set of 8.

Apparently today was supposed to be my day off. I guess I’ll do it tomorrow then.

day 23 (34 loves):

I did two sets of 10, a set of 9 and finally a set of 5.

day 22 (34 loves):

I started the day of with a set of 11! I then did a set of 10, followed by a set of 8 and a set of 5.

My ultimate goal is to finish the day with just 3 sets at some point. That may not be feasible if the love count grows too rapidly though.

day 21 (34 loves):

I managed to do two sets of 10! I followed up with a set of 8 and one more set of 6.

Today was a great day. I absolutely adore the people who are still loving my weest 3 weeks after it was posted.

day 20 (33 loves):

I did 4 sets of 7 and one set of 5.

My current plan is to end this challenge on day 30 so that means I’m now officially 2/3 of the way through!

day 19 (33 loves):

One set of 9, a set of 8, one more set of 9, followed by a set of 7.

day 18 (a day off):

My arms may rest :).

day 17 (33 loves):

I did one set of 10, two sets of 8, and a set of 7.

My arms hurt, so I’m glad tomorrow is my day off :)

day 16 (33 loves):

I did six sets of 5 and one set of 3

I think I’m going to try to push myself a little more tomorrow. This challenge does really feel like a tedious chore on some days.

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