do you like feeling intellectually superior to those around you but hate educating yourself? does bettering yourself as a person make you go: ew icky? then let me introduce you to stupid chess! stupid chess is the only surefire way to make you never feel wrong, even if you are! stupid chess will allow you to use terms like “i’m just old-fashioned“ to dismiss you being a horrible person, while adopting everything bad about society hundreds of years ago! not enough? still need a sure victory? in stupid chess, any move by your opposition to educate you can be countered with these amazing game mechanics: try gaslighting, emotional manipulation, even more gaslighting, or making everything about yourself. but that’s not all, if you’re a parent, and you play stupid chess, you can do all of this, while actually feeling like you’re the victim! here are some testimonials… oh nevermind, apparently they couldn’t make it due to an epidemic about broken shins or something, i have nothing to do with that, yeah

buy stupid chess! for the low low price of your humanity and soul, side effects may include being a hypocrite and the actual worst
