Like, I’m not saying that everything should have a TW, but who cares if someone does put a trigger warning on something you find to be pointless? The fact that some of you are getting so crazy over someone putting a TW for food is a bit alarming. It literally doesn’t affect you in any way unless that warning contains something that may actually trigger you, in which case it would help you know to avoid that content.

its hilarious but also sad to see how many people get so worked up about trigger warnings

its literally just an accessibility thing, it doesn’t harm anyone, its basically just a content label for words, why are you all so worked up about it.

Mar 21, 2024, 12:15 AM
11 1 26

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i feel the same way i do about trigger warnings as i do about tone indicators.

i wouldn't use them, except in extreme cases, as most of the time the problem they solve can just be remedied by a sentence restructure.

but who cares if people use them? (even in the overboard ways they do in the fediverse) it doesn't affect you. and if it helps someone, great!

except /hj that one is just bad.

I totally agree with this (/hj sucks too)

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