
[object Object] (temp logo change, may or may not keep)

photos from the minecraft movie were leaked a couple days ago btw

i really do not like the creeper.

needed a cart from home depot

⠀⠀⠀⠀went to a section called moving

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀everything in it was stationary

Jul 2, 2024, 3:24 AM
8 0 3

I’m back from cruise. Will post photos later.

i've been on a cruise in alaska without signal so i haven't been able to keep up with wasteof

in a week ill process my photos(probably update my photo gallery on my website during then,) then i can share them :)

Jun 15, 2024, 12:25 AM
5 0 0

i hate my phone because its glass screen prevents me from petting all the cats i can see inside :(

i have a photogenic memory

everything always looks better in my head

imagine if instead of burning down the library of alexandria you ripped every page from every book and scrambled them so no book has the thing you're looking for. that's what using google feels like nowadays.

ugh, i don’t know how people work without music. always gotta put my noise cancelling headsets on and play some pink floyd or something.

bro get some sleep

Trying to be up 24/7

oh.. stop it you're making me blu-

super tired of this capitalism storyline.. it never seems to go anywhere.

may the fourth be with you

Microsoft has announced their new logo for Windows

...and those who know ternary

There are only 10 kinds of people in this world: those who know binary and those who don't.

there is a single nuclear power plant in all of california that covers 9% of all power in the state to give you a feel for how ridiculously effective nuclear is.