i was thinking about this too but last time i did that i got 50 notifs of people spreading lies about me. that always happens, but at least i'm here to manage it

currently deciding whether or not i should take a break from this site. even if i don’t use this site a lot, there’s a bunch of negativity on it that has been kind of taking a toll on my mental state. i’m leaning more towards taking a good, long break here. but, i still want to know whats going on. i don’t know, maybe i will take a break, maybe i should. it’ll probably be good for me.

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Oh, I see. I guess that it was naive of me to expect this to be a place for civil discussion; I just had hope that maybe somewhere on this website, fruitful discussion was being had.

I’m glad that you have people and a safe space here. It’s a shame that people have the impulse to go out of their way to just cause drama and bickering. I don’t know whether it has always, or only recently, been this way.

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