i was thinking about this too but last time i did that i got 50 notifs of people spreading lies about me. that always happens, but at least i'm here to manage it

currently deciding whether or not i should take a break from this site. even if i don’t use this site a lot, there’s a bunch of negativity on it that has been kind of taking a toll on my mental state. i’m leaning more towards taking a good, long break here. but, i still want to know whats going on. i don’t know, maybe i will take a break, maybe i should. it’ll probably be good for me.


what were the lies

something about being a nonce and that i leaked people's addresses or something like that

wait you're american i think. nonce is a slang word for paedo

I love spreading misinformation on the internet

same. i don't really do that here since people always take it seriously

I’m biased when I say that this site doesn’t seem very conducive to civil, productive discourse. Say, you want to explore someone’s dissenting ways of thinking, and you approach them politely. Suddenly, they pull a gun at you and start screaming like a caveman. How are you supposed to communicate further? That kind of interaction doesn’t foster meaningful conversations, because while one side is cooperative, the other is completely unreceptive and uncooperative.

I haven’t talked to everyone so, of course, my view is biased in a sense. Nonetheless, that’s the experience that I think sums up my time here.

Maybe you have met and engaged with more friendly and sensible users. That would give you a good reason to remain here. If you have a circle of users that regularly return to this site, it would seem reasonable for you to feel compelled to do the same.

What makes you come back? What makes you care? Is it worth staying here, despite the negativity some people (such as late, myself, maybe you included) attest to?

honestly i don't think you're biased (or, we’re both biased the same way). wasteof’s feature set comes from twitter, and its community mostly comes from scratch, which are two quite toxic places. i don't think most people here even consider that you can have a civil discussion.

as for the reason i come back, yeah it's because there are nice users here such as ally. the issue is when something that i consider a safe space (the internet, the web, web sites) contain people who are hell bent on ruining the experience for others. it's just not great.

Oh, I see. I guess that it was naive of me to expect this to be a place for civil discussion; I just had hope that maybe somewhere on this website, fruitful discussion was being had.

I’m glad that you have people and a safe space here. It’s a shame that people have the impulse to go out of their way to just cause drama and bickering. I don’t know whether it has always, or only recently, been this way.

miku (god) forbid women do anything

so true