i’m not sure if there’s really much worth saying, other than i’m a little disappointed. i feel this way because it seems to be really easy nowadays to just start one right now, and then for it to end the very next day. wasteof.money started out as some teenager’s hobby project with an extremely small and niche circle around it, to becoming still a hobby project, but now with a somewhat medium-sized community for it. it was lighthearted and casual from the very beginning, and we seem to be slowly shifting away from that the bigger we get.

that scares me to an extent, because i don’t want this community to be hostile or toxic — even despite the somewhat recent announcement made in the discord about no causing harm to other sites, i still feel like similar behavior happens in places that are off-site and underground, and that’s another reason why i don’t want really ridiculous kerfuffles happening here. i’d much rather have them kept off-site entirely so wasteof.money can still be welcoming and inclusive to everyone, including those who require much more assistance than others for things that are simply out of their control entirely. i think it’s really apparent that we shouldn’t be mocking people advocating for that.

it also doesn’t help that i feel totally obligated to look over and moderate the whole thing, because someone could easily go too far with their colorful language. maybe i’m unnecessarily stressing out over this, but i don’t know. rant over.

wondering what to do/say about the recent kerfuffle happening on wasteof dot money

(by the way, sorry about the repost. i felt it was important to get the original post out there some more.)

Mar 23, 2024, 5:51 PM
27 1 17

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Yeah, but we’ve had literally dozens of dramas over absolutely ridiculous things, and it’ll keep happening. I have no clue how to solve it though.

Will it keep happening though? We had a while with no drama. This is a huge overreaction lmao, drama will always occur

Yeah, the reason we had a time with no drama is that I got more mature and stopped getting involved in them (ignore the recent mef thing lol). Now other users are starting or getting involved in them. I don’t want to name names but now there are new users or users who have started using the site more who start the recent dramas.

I don’t know if there will be more dramas (I hope not) but somehow I feel like wasteof will always have an above-average amount of drama

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