I think I hit them with them mental equivalent of a 500 kg bomb

this is a thoughtcrime this is a thoughtcrime this is a thoughtcrime this is a thoughtcrime this is a thoughtcrime this is a thoughtcrime this is a thoughtcrime this is a thoughtcrime this is a thoughtcrime this is a thoughtcrime this is a thoughtcrime this is a thoughtcrime this is a thoughtcrime this is a thoughtcrime please go reeducate yourself while the Ministry of Truth wipes this from the internet

I think I’ve committed what Super Earth would consider a thoughtcrime

POST CONTENTS: Helldivers 2, dragons, shipping
if it wasn't clear enough this post is going to be exceptionally strange
you have been warned, run.

in Helldivers 2 you don’t see the faces of most characters other than a few of the staff on your super destroyer, so for characterization you pretty much have to rely on voice lines.

there are two aircraft typically deployed from your super destroyer, the fighter jet (Eagle-1) and the extraction shuttle (Pelican-1)

for some reason I immediately decided that I should ship the pilots (even though I never ship characters and am not typically interested in romance at all)

a few minutes ago my brain came up with the absolutely ingenious idea of:

hey, we barely have any actual physical representation of these characters
plane dragons

yep, first it started shipping them, and now its shipping them as (non-anthro) plane dragons (based on the vehicles they pilot obviously)

The rot consumes.

Apr 9, 2024, 12:20 AM
5 3 0
Apr 10, 2024, 9:53 AM
3 0 0
