i rly hope that i never have to go to jail cuz id probably go insane in there - i mean i hate tiny little rooms and i hate not being able to do anything - and i like the sun a lot - cuz ive heard theres no sunlight in there for a lot of the time and thats just rly depressing :l


You're heading to jail boi

the fbi is after u

ohhhhh shhhhhhit - they are arent they

…why would you go to jail…

oh yeah the fact that you acted high

well i mean i didnt act high on purpose i took some drugs with my friend cuz i thought it would be nice but it turns out there was way more in there than i thought and i got a lil silly from it lol

[also dw i havent actually done drugs - this was all a theoretical scenario]


[makes sense I don’t think anyone with common sense would]