The Mystery Behind Portugal’s Graffiti

I’ve been in Portugal for the past few days, and something that has caught my eye is the graffiti here. I remember seeing this is Spain as well. A tagger is someone who graffiti’s on random walls n stuff. And these Portuguese “Taggers” have turned there city into a huge game of Splatoon. The game works like this, there are numerous tagging groups, who try and spray-paint their name on walls and signs across the city. It’s actually kind of cool imo. The most well known tagging group is WASP. Every single person who has been to Faro Portugal has noticed how much the word “Wasp” has been spray-painted throughout the city. WASP even made their way into the of the windows 10 wallpaper which I visited two days ago. (They spray painted a sign inside the cave). WASP is associated with another group called “KAMS”. Other groups such as MEF (@mef reference lol) and KDS are quite noticeable as well. After doing some research, not many people seem to know who is behind the WASP team. One person on reddit claimed that they are a rouge protestant group and “Don’t f*ck with them” One thing is for sure, they are absolutely DESPISED online.

While many people do not appreciate what WASP does, I do have a little bit of respect for them. They usually only graffiti on abandoned building, walls, and on the back of traffic signs. (Pretty much never on nature, or people’s homes) Just to clarify, graffiti is NOT legal in Portugal. The most common punishment for tagging private property is a fine that can reach up to €25,000! (A euro is one dollar and six cents as of April 2024). Next time you see some graffiti, look a little closer, sometimes there is a deeper meaning than what meets the eye. If there are any Portuguese, what do you know about WASP, or any other groups?? For now, the mystery behind who WASP is is unsolved, but I’m too curious about this so I had to ask you guys.

TLDR: Some Cities in Portugal are basically Splatoon IRL lol

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if you are from portugal why aren’t you speaking brazilian 🤦

No I just went to portugal on vacation

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