Hello everyone! It’s your boy PaperMarioFan here on waste of, and today here I am going to share info regarding Meower, and Discord.

I am starting to stray away from Discord due to the amount of “sketchy and scummy characters” on there, and servers banning me for absolutely biased and ludicrous reasons. One of them being that I get banned for no reason, except a person that leaked something into the guild, and I had no knowledge of it whatsoever.

Now getting away from that, I am moving on to Meower.

Meower is supposed to be a fun, and safe social media platform, but has not gotten much attention, except to people from scratch, and now it is dying. I feel like trolls (not too many of them) are now trying to “infiltrate” the platform because of how popular it was.

That’s all I got for now. Hope you have a great day, ya’ll! :)

May 2, 2024, 4:36 PM
4 0 4


I logged on to meower once in my life: nobody talked, until someone started spamming. I never went on meower since then.

Fr. It’s sometimes like that.

Moving “on” to meower?