Am I misreading everything or is there some kind of war on this site rn?

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What did they say?

@/dertermenter made a post saying that trans women winning at sports was “disgraceful” and got benned for approximately 2 days for that. The post was (thankfully) deleted because lots of people reported it and it was becoming a flame war of transphobic arguments and sportphobic (I guess) comments. These dramas happen so much, we’ve called them “kerfuffles” (which is a real word).

It is kinda disgraceful as it is unfair for the cisgender contestants. Thanks for the explanation though

I mean, it might be “unfair” but you can’t exactly say you’re “just spreading awareness” with that wording. Spreading awareness should be unbiased, saying “disgraceful” is extremely biased. But this is coming from someone who things sports isn’t a way of life but an annoyance so oh well.

don't wanna suffer the same fate as my friend so I’ll refrain form commenting any further

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