Am I misreading everything or is there some kind of war on this site rn?


Kind of surprised people are saying there is, there was a day ago but it seems pretty done currently

pretty much, yeah.

Yeah there's a war

There’s a war

Someone said something about trans women that was very controversial (deleted)

What did they say?

@/dertermenter made a post saying that trans women winning at sports was “disgraceful” and got benned for approximately 2 days for that. The post was (thankfully) deleted because lots of people reported it and it was becoming a flame war of transphobic arguments and sportphobic (I guess) comments. These dramas happen so much, we’ve called them “kerfuffles” (which is a real word).

It is kinda disgraceful as it is unfair for the cisgender contestants. Thanks for the explanation though

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