“we should be able to ban furries!!!!!1!” wrong! kill the part of you that cringes

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He said in a post “give me one reason why furries aren't cringe” (exact words) and lily turned that into what you see on this post.

To put it plainly.

I’m pretty sure I saw @chaoticneutral (jokingly) talk specifically about banning users who are cringe, but I forget where and I don’t care to check.

Could you please not tag me directly? I get notified every time and I have nothing to contribute here.

Apologies, forgot about @/ being an option

It's cool just don't do it again

Not my exact words but close enough

Tried to go off of memory. Sorry 😬

this reply doesn’t make sense in this context

this quote is entirely irrelevant, and “turned into the post” doesn’t make sense

Oh wait you weren't even talking to @/chaoticneutral were u

Were you referring to dert

no i was just speaking, chaoticneutral made it about him

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