I tried raw bees today, here’s my food review:

Taste: 8/10

Very tasty, a little spicy and crunchy. Overall quite delicious. Perfect with a side of salad.

Health benefits: 0/10

I had to get rushed to the hospital because even though the bees weren’t meant to be alive, one was and stung me in the throat. At least cooked bees aren’t a health hazard.

Overall: 7/10

The bees from a local hive chased me down and killed me but the taste of raw bees was worth it.


Sad news, there aren’t any raw bees anymore in the world because of global warming, by technicality what you actually ate were medium rare bees

They were deep-freezed raw bees from 1884.

You should try them on pizza, it’s really good! 👍

But then they would be cooked

No it’s good raw, it adds a little bit of crunch

Yes, but they would be cooked when on pizza, since pizza is cooked.

stick the raw bees in the cheese while it’s still somewhat melty so that they can’t escape

I don’t eat cheese on pizza, I don’t support cannibalism (for legal reasons I am not a cheese irl and can eat pizza)

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Just put them on after the pizza is cooked, or don’t cook the pizza at all

Achievement Get: Raw Pizza