Update: I got to play, here’s what happened!

wo.m Survival Minecraft Server day 2 (for me)

I got wood and sailed to 0 0, followed the X (formerly known as Twitter) highway to some underwater ruins that had already been looted and placed some doors to make an air pocket to be able to dig down. Then, I shaped my mine thing into an imperfectly square (sorry) box, decorated with a pirate ship theme (not complete because I still need to make a bucket to fill in the water windows, which I forgot). The outside isn’t finished yet, either. Overall, a very fun day 2 :)

I was going to play on the wo.m server but I can’t get minecraft to work :(

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Do you have a house on the server?

me and kiwi share the house at spawn :)

Wait, the one I put the sign “cheesewhisk3rs was here” at?

Yup lol, I saw that sign, the one on the beach with the big sugar cane farm

Could you please send me the co-ordinates to the house? I lost it and made a house at real spawn

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