i aaid i wouldn't return but i couldn't sleep at night knowing i posted the worst radiohead ranking ever

pablo - 5/10

bends - 7/10

ok computer - 10/10

kid a - 10/10

amnesiac - 7/10

hail to the thief - 9/10

in rainbows - 10/10

tkol - 5/10

moon - 8/10

anyways bye

radiohead album ranking

  • Pablo Honey - 8/10

  • The Bends - 8/10

  • Ok Computer - 10/10

  • Kid A - 10/10

  • Amnesiac - 9/10

  • Hail to the Thief - 8/10

  • In Rainbows - 8/10

  • The King of Limbs - 4/10

  • A Moon Shaped Pool - 6/10

overall ranking: 7.9/10


okay bye for real this time